Singing Guide: Marvin Hamlisch

Singing Guide: Marvin Hamlisch

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Learn Singing Like Marvin Hamlisch: Tips and Resources

1. Emphasize Melody and Storytelling

Marvin's music was always centered around the melody and telling a story. He often used simple melodies with a strong hook that became an earworm in the listener's mind. To emulate Marvin's style, focus on your melody and storytelling abilities. Practice singing simple melodies that are easy to remember and get stuck in your listener's head. When practicing, think about the lyrics and how you can convey their meaning through your performance.

2. Use Vocal Dynamics to Enhance Emotion

Marvin's music is famous for being emotionally evocative. He often used vocal dynamics to heighten the listener's emotional response to the lyrics. Experiment with volume, intensity, vibrato, and other vocal techniques to add depth and emotion to your performance.

3. Develop Your Vocal Range

Marvin was known for writing a wide range of music for different vocal ranges. To master his style, you'll need to work on expanding your range. Start with Singing Carrots' Vocal range test to determine your range, then use Singing Carrots' Pitch Training to improve your range and flexibility.

4. Work on Your Breath Support

Marvin's music frequently required long, sustained phrases, making breath support essential. To improve your breath support, practice breathing exercises like those outlined in Singing Carrots' Breath support article and building up your diaphragm muscles with exercises like Farinelli Breathing.

5. Learn Marvin's Songs and Compositions

To truly master Marvin Hamlisch's style, you'll need to learn his songs and compositions. Singing Carrots' Song Search can help you find songs that match your vocal range, difficulty level, and genre preference. As you learn his songs, identify elements of Marvin's style that you can incorporate into your own singing.

With these tips and Singing Carrots' excellent vocal training resources, you can master Marvin Hamlisch's signature style and take your singing to new heights.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.